EarlyCare Injury Management

Effective, evidence based EarlyCare injury management services identify and manage psychosocial factors, reduce recovery times and improve return-to-work rates

The importance of injury management for WA businesses

Your people are your top priority, so engaging an injury management consultant who can provide prompt, evidence-based, effective early care for your employees is essential.

  • Injury management and early care demonstrate your commitment to your people’s well-being. They foster a positive work environment and improve morale while maximising the recovery of ill or injured employees ensuring the health benefits of good work.

  • Prompt injury management and early care helps reduce workflow disruptions and minimises the impact of illness and injuries on workplace culture and productivity.

  • Effective injury management and early care prevents issues from escalating to workers’ compensation claims, resulting in significant business cost savings.

  • As an employer, you are legally required to establish an injury management system to ensure the health and safety of your employees – and a Working Life injury management consultant can help.

Our 24/7 EarlyCare Injury Management Services

Our Early Care injury management services, starting from day 1, have been developed using evidence-based principles and improve recovery and return to work outcomes.

  • Comprehensive worker assessment

    In addition to supporting workers through illness or injury, we take the time to gain a robust understanding of psychosocial factors that may impact their recovery and identify any potential barriers.

  • Transport assistance

    We also provide transport assistance where required – such as for remote or regional workers, or those with no driving capacity or support.

  • Medical review attendance

    We contact your preferred provider—or identify providers who understand your business needs—and coordinate the initial medical appointment on your behalf, assisting with a prompt diagnosis, prognosis and management plan. We then coordinate radiological investigations or allied health and specialist reviews as required.

  • Injury management planning

    We establish an injury management plan and/or return-to-work program to support the injured worker’s recovery and minimise unnecessary time off work.

  • Communication and reporting

    We communicate all key findings to all key stakeholders, including the outcome of investigations, medical opinions, injury management and return-to-work plans.

Why choose Working Life as your injury management consultant?

As your local injury management advisor, we provide compassionate, tailored 24/7 support to businesses and their employees across Perth, Darwin, Broome, Port Hedland, Karratha, Kalgoorlie and Exmouth. By promptly engaging our injury management services, you can be confident that you’ve taken the first step towards a happier, healthier and more productive workforce.

Contact us today to discuss your matter with an experienced injury management consultant.