Workshops and Education

Bespoke training for businesses that value workplace effectiveness and employee well-being.

Education for employers and employees alike

Whether you’re after traditional in-person training, online sessions or a blended technology and face-to-face solution, Working Life can meet your needs. Our training has been successfully implemented in diverse environments, from remote areas to offshore locations, corporate offices, healthcare settings and underground. We provide training across a range of topics to improve workplace effectiveness and employee well-being.

Workshop topics to suit your needs

Our multidisciplinary team offers workshops on various psychological and workplace-related topics tailored to suit your business needs. Common subjects include difficult conversations, mental health awareness, remedial and performance coaching, psychological safety, team effectiveness, psychosocial hazards, change management and frontline leadership.

In-depth subjects relevant to your employees

At Working Life, we have experienced professionals available – from organisational psychologists to exercise physiologists, physiotherapists and workplace rehabilitation consultants – meaning we can prepare personalised sessions on topics such as psychological health and safety, psychosocial hazards, injury management, workplace performance and training, building resilience, the benefits of good work and the brain-gut connection. These workshops are designed to ensure your employees leave feeling empowered to make meaningful work and life improvements.

A collaborative approach to learning

All of our workshops embrace a participative approach to acquiring new knowledge, skills and attitudes. This method equips participants to operate more effectively in their workplace by engaging them in interactive and practical learning experiences.

How to work with - and learn from - Working Life

  • Initial consultation

    Get in touch with our team so that we can discuss and understand your areas of concern, challenges and topics of interest. From there, we’ll tailor our training to meet your organisation’s specific needs.

  • Development and planning

    Following the initial consultation, we’ll develop draft talking points and then connect you with one of our consultants, who’ll run the session. We’ll also confirm dates and times to ensure a smooth training experience.

  • Delivery and review

    The training session is conducted in the agreed-upon format—whether in person, online, or through blended learning. After the session, we conduct a debrief and review to assess the effectiveness of the training and gather your feedback.

  • Webinars and iCBT courses

    In addition to traditional face-to-face learning and webinars, Working Life can provide the following eLearning and/or Internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy courses.

  • Training and workshops

    Working Life delivers traditional in-person, contemporary online/video, and innovative blended training services. Our training has been delivered underground, offshore and in remote environments, as well as in corporate offices. They have encompassed topics such as Difficult Conversations, Mental Health Conversations for Leaders, Mental Health Awareness, Team Effectiveness, Human Factors, Frontline Leadership, Emerging Leaders and Remedial and Performance Coaching. All workshops embrace a participative approach to the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and attitudes, equipping participants to operate more effectively in their workplaces.

Why choose Working Life for your workplace training and education needs?

We provide impactful, memorable learning experiences across Australia for organisations of all shapes and sizes. Our workshops are designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle workplace challenges effectively, develop their leadership acumen and better understand issues such as mental health and psychological health and safety.

We take the time to delve into your organisation’s unique needs and challenges to ensure our training solutions are relevant and practical. With our participative approach, we ensure that participants are actively engaged.

Ready to embark on an educational journey? Tell us what you and your employees need, and we’ll take care of the rest.